
Applying for Asylum in France: Steps, Requirements, and Support

An asylum application refers to the procedure to seek protection from a foreign country due to fear of persecution or harm in one’s home country.

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Birth Declaration in France: Procedure and Required Documents

A birth declaration in France is a formal procedure that involves acknowledging the birth of a child to the civil authorities in France.

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Building Permit Application: Essential Steps and Requirements

A building permit is a formal document required by the local or national government that allows for the construction or major alteration of a building structure within its jurisdiction.

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Childcare Choice Supplement: Assistance for Nannies & Micro-Creches

The Childcare Choice Supplement (CMG) is a childcare supplement that assists families with part of the costs associated with employing a registered nanny or using an accredited micro-creche.

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Complete Guide to Complementary Health Insurance in France

Complementary health insurance, also known as a “mutuelle”, is a voluntary insurance coverage in France that complements the coverage provided by the Social Security system.

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Complete Guide to Naturalization in France: Steps and Requirements

Naturalization is the legal process through which a non-citizen of a country may acquire citizenship or nationality of that country.

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Complete Guide to Preschool Enrollment in France - Steps & Tips

Preschool, or maternelle, as it is known in France, is a form of education for children below the compulsory school age.

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Comprehensive Guide to High School Registration in France

High school registration is the process of enrolling and securing a place at a high school.

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Comprehensive Guide to Scholarships for All Levels of Study

A scholarship is a financial aid award for students to further their education.

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Death Declaration in France: Steps, Documents, and Providers

A death declaration is a formal notification of someone’s death to the authorities.

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Demolition Permit Guide: Requirements and Process in France

A demolition permit is a legal document that grants permission to tear down an existing structure.

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Easy Renewal of Your Driver's License in France Online

Renewal of a driver’s license is the process of renewing your existing driving license after its expiry date.

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Family Reunification in France: Complete Process and Requirements

Family reunification is a process that enables certain foreign family members residing outside the EU to immigrate to France to stay with their family already living there.

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French Social Security Registration: Essential Guide for Expats

French Social Security Registration refers to the process of registering with the French Social Security system to have access to healthcare, coverage for certain risks (sickness, maternity, disability, old age), family benefits and more.

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Guide to Applying for Scholarships to Study in France

This guide provides detailed steps for applying for university scholarships, particularly those targeting studies in France.

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Guide to Declaring Income Tax in France: Step-by-Step Procedure

Income tax declaration is a legal requirement in which you inform the French tax authorities about your worldwide income, providing details about your earning sources, deductions, and taxes already paid.

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Guide to Family Allowances: Eligibility, Procedure, and Documents

Family allowances are government payments made to families with one or more dependent children.

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Guide to Mobility Aids in France: From Canes to Scooters

Mobility aids include devices designed to assist walking or otherwise improve the mobility of people with a mobility impairment.

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Guide to Obtaining a Business Travel Permit: Requirements and Steps

A business travel permit is a document that allows for legal travel abroad for business-related activities.

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Guide to Obtaining a Long-Stay Visa for France: Steps & Requirements

A process by which an individual gets official permission to enter and stay in France for a specific period and reason.

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Guide to Obtaining a Resident Card in France: Steps & Requirements

A resident card, also known as a ‘Carte de Résident’, is a document that validates the legal status of a foreign individual residing in France for an extended period.

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Guide to Obtaining or Converting a Driver's License in France

A driver’s license is a legal requirement for those who wish to operate a motor vehicle.

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Guide to Primary School Registration in France for 2023

Registration for primary school forms the first part of a child’s formal education in France.

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Guide to Retirement Pensions in France: Eligibility and Application

A retirement pension in France is a government-issued payment made to individuals who have reached the statutory retirement age and have made contributions during their working years.

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Guide to University Registration for International Students in France

University registration is the process of officially enrolling a student into a university.

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How to Apply for Housing Assistance from CAF in France

The Housing Assistance Application is a process to avail of financial aid from CAF (Caisse d’Allocations Familiales) to cover part of your rent or housing cost.

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How to Change Your Address on Revolut, Vinted, and More

Changing your address refers to the process of updating your location information on various platforms or services like Revolut, Olympics, Vinted etc.

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How to Obtain a Residence Permit in France: A Step-by-Step Guide

A residence permit, or Titre de Séjour, is a document that legally authorizes you to reside in France for a certain period of time.

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How to Obtain Health Insurance Cards in France, Ireland, Poland

A health insurance card is a card issued by a healthcare provider which grants the holder access to certain types of medical services.

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How to Register to Vote in France: A Comprehensive Guide

Voter registration in France is a process that enables eligible citizens to participate in the country’s electoral proceedings.

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How to Renew Your French Residence Permit: A Step-by-Step Guide

A French residence permit, or “titre de séjour,” is an official document that allows non-French citizens to live in France for a specific period.

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National Identity Card in France: Procedure, Requirements, Providers

A National Identity Card is an official document that serves as a proof of identification.

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Passport Renewal: Your Complete Guide to Extend Validity

Passport renewal is a process where you update your existing passport after it has expired or is about to expire.

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Personalized Autonomy Allowance: Aid for Elderly in France

The Personalized Autonomy Allowance (APA) is a French assistance allowance for elderly individuals who have lost independence due to physical or mental health conditions.

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Registering Your Child for Middle School in France: A Guide

This guide provides step-by-step information on how to register your child for middle school in France, a system designed to provide core education for children from eleven to fifteen years old.

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Sick Leave Application: Procedure, Documents, and Providers Guide

Sick leave application is a formal process needed to inform one’s employer about the period of their absence due to a health problem, which includes physical or mental illnesses.

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Steps for Non-EU Citizens to Get a Work Permit in France

A work permit application is a legal request submitted to the French government entitlement to work in France as a foreigner.

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Understanding Alimony: A Guide to Spousal Support in France

Alimony, also known as spousal support, is a court-ordered provision of financial support to a spouse after separation or divorce.

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Understanding Daily Allowance for Employees in France

Daily allowance or indemnité journalière is a partial salary paid to an employee who is unable to work due to sickness or accident.

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Understanding Social Housing in France: Eligibility and Application

Social housing, or logement social in France, is a form of housing intended for individuals and families with lower incomes.

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Unemployment Benefits in France: Eligibility and Application Guide

Unemployment benefits are financial support provided by the French government to individuals who are currently unemployed through no fault of their own, and who are actively seeking employment.

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Unemployment Return-to-Work Assistance in France: A Guide

The Unemployment return-to-work assistance (ARE) is an unemployment benefit scheme provided by France to individuals who have lost their jobs, helping them financially until they find a new job.

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Guide to Social Housing Assistance in France: Eligibility and Steps

Social housing assistance is a service provided by the government to offer affordable accommodation to individuals and families unable to afford housing at market rates.

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