Environmental Aptitude Certificate for Businesses in Argentina

Table of Contents


What is it?

The Environmental Aptitude Certificate (EAC) is a mandatory validation for businesses and industries in Argentina, proving their compliance with environmental regulations and sustainable practices. This certificate ensures that the company’s operations do not harm the environment and that they meet the necessary legal requirements.

Who needs it?

The EAC is ideal for business owners, industrial operators, and environmental consultants in Argentina who require official validation of their environmental compliance. Any company or facility whose operations may impact the environment, such as manufacturing plants, waste management facilities, and construction companies, must obtain this certificate.


  1. Initial Assessment: Evaluate your facility or business for compliance with environmental regulations.
  2. Documentation Gathering: Collect all necessary documents (listed below).
  3. Submit Application: Submit your application along with required documents to the appropriate environmental authority.
  4. Inspection: Undergo an environmental inspection by certified officials.
  5. Approval: Receive feedback and, if compliant, get your certificate issued.
  6. Renewal: Ensure to renew the certificate periodically as required.

Required documents

  • Environmental Impact Reports: Detailed analysis of how your operations affect the environment.
  • Compliance Records: Previous records of environmental compliance, audits, and inspections.
  • Legal Documents: Proof of business registration and any relevant licenses.
  • Technical Documents: Engineering or architectural plans related to the business operations.
  • Safety Protocols: Documents detailing safety and environmental protection measures in place.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • Validity: The certificate needs to be renewed every year.
  • Fees: Application and inspection fees may apply.
  • Penalty: Non-compliance or lack of a valid certificate can result in fines and operational shutdowns.
  • Contact Information: Reach out to local environmental offices for more specific guidance and support.


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