Argentina Importers Registration Service - Simplified Process

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What is it?

The Importers Registration Service in Argentina is designed to help businesses and individuals navigate the regulatory process required to import goods into the country. This service includes guidance on obtaining the necessary permits, understanding customs regulations, and ensuring compliance with Argentine law.

Who needs it?

This service is ideal for businesses, entrepreneurs, and individuals who wish to import products into Argentina. It is particularly useful for those who are unfamiliar with Argentine regulations or who want to ensure a smooth and compliant import process. Anyone looking to expand their trade operations or bring unique products into the Argentine market will benefit from this service.


  1. Gather essential documentation: Obtain all necessary paperwork, including business registration documents and product details.
  2. Submit a formal application: File your import application with the Argentine tax authority (AFIP).
  3. Await initial review: The AFIP will review your application for completeness and compliance.
  4. Respond to any additional requests: Provide any further information or documentation required by the AFIP.
  5. Receive your import number: Once approved, you’ll receive your unique import identification number.

Required documents

  • Business Registration Certificate: Obtain from local municipal offices.
  • Tax Identification Number (CUIT): Register with AFIP.
  • Product Description and Invoices: Detail the goods you intend to import.
  • Import License Application Form: Available for download on the AFIP website.
  • Proforma Invoice: Provided by the foreign supplier outlining the transaction terms.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • Import restrictions apply to certain categories of goods. Always check the latest regulations.
  • Consider hiring a customs broker for streamlined processing and to avoid potential setbacks.
  • Fees vary depending on the type of products and volume being imported.
  • Make sure all documentation is translated into Spanish for submission purposes.
  • Stay updated on economic changes that can affect import costs, such as exchange rate fluctuations.


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