PAMI Registration in Argentina - Complete Step-by-Step Guide

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What is it?

The PAMI (Programa de Atención Médica Integral) registration in Argentina is a health service program aimed at providing comprehensive medical care and other healthcare benefits to retirees, pensioners, and their dependents. This service ensures that eligible individuals have access to a wide range of healthcare facilities and treatments, promoting a healthier lifestyle for Argentina’s senior citizens.

Who needs it?

The ideal customer for PAMI registration includes retirees and pensioners residing in Argentina who require affordable and comprehensive healthcare services. Additionally, dependents of these retirees and pensioners, such as spouses, may also need to register for PAMI to access the medical benefits. Elderly individuals who need consistent medical attention and preventive care can greatly benefit from this service.


  1. Gather all necessary documents such as ID, proof of pension, and residence proof.
  2. Visit the PAMI website to fill out the online registration form or locate the nearest PAMI office.
  3. Fill out the application form with accurate personal and medical details.
  4. Submit the filled form along with the required documents either online or at the PAMI office.
  5. Wait for confirmation of registration, which may take a few weeks.
  6. Upon confirmation, visit the PAMI office for your membership card and further instructions on accessing services.

Required documents

  • Government-issued ID (DNI or Passport)
  • Proof of Pension (Retirement pay slip or ANSES certificate)
  • Proof of Address (Utility bill or rental agreement)
  • Completed PAMI registration form (available online or at PAMI offices)

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • Ensure all documents are in the correct format and updated.
  • The registration process may take a few weeks, so plan accordingly.
  • For any issues or queries during the process, you can reach out to PAMI customer service or visit the nearest PAMI office.


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