Get Your Unique Labor Identification Code in Argentina

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What is it?

The Unique Labor Identification Code (CUIL) in Argentina is a number assigned to workers for employment, tax, and social security purposes. It’s crucial for both nationals and foreigners working in Argentina to have a CUIL to ensure they are compliant with local regulations.

Who needs it?

The CUIL is essential for employees, freelancers, and business owners operating in Argentina. It’s specifically critical for individuals who need to receive payments, file taxes, and access social security benefits. New foreign residents and expats planning to work in Argentina must also obtain their CUIL as part of their settling-in process.


  1. Visit the nearest ANSES office: Locate the nearest ANSES (National Social Security Administration) office.
  2. Prepare your documents: Gather proper identification documents and proof of residency.
  3. Submit your application: Present your documents and fill out the required forms at the ANSES office.
  4. Processing and verification: ANSES will process your application and verify your documents.
  5. Receive your CUIL: Upon approval, you will be issued your Unique Labor Identification Code.

Required documents

  • Identification Document: Passport or DNI (National Identity Document)
  • Proof of Residency: Rental agreement, utility bills, or any official document showing your address

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • CUIL is mandatory for opening a bank account, obtaining a credit card, and signing employment contracts in Argentina.
  • Employers often require CUIL during the hiring process to include workers in payroll systems.
  • Ensure all submitted documents are up-to-date and correctly translated if they are not originally in Spanish.


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