How to Obtain a Building Permit in Austria: Step-by-Step Guide

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What is it?

A building permit is a legal permission granted by the appropriate governmental department, permitting an individual or a company to undertake construction works in a property.

Who needs it?

Any individual or entity looking to construct, renovate, or alter a building/property in Austria.


  1. Security and Neighborhood Approval: Even before applying for the permit, ensure that the planned building doesn’t pose any security risks and it’s not violating any neighborhood/community rules.
  2. Proposal: Prepare a detailed proposal of the intended construction or alterations. The proposal should adhere to the local building codes and regulations.
  3. Submission of Application: Submit your proposal application to the local planning department.
  4. Documentation: Along with the proposal, submit all required documents for approval.
  5. Initiate Review: The local authority then commences a thorough review of the submitted proposal and documents.
  6. Building Plan Assessment: A formal site assessment may be carried out to ensure the proposed plan is in compliance with laws and regulations.
  7. Approval: After successful review, the building permit application is approved, and a permit is officially issued.

Required Documents

The required documents may vary based on the nature of the construction or renovation work. Generally, the required documents include:

  • A valid form of identification
  • Proof of ownership
  • A detailed construction plan
  • A site layout showcasing the property boundaries and setbacks
  • Structural plans
  • Consent letters from neighbors (if required)

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • If you’re planning to buy a forest land in Austria intending to cut trees and build a house, you’ll need an additional permit from the forestry Commission.
  • In cities like Vienna, even for installing an air conditioner in the apartment, a permit might need to be procured if the exterior appearance of the building is going to be altered.
  • Every state in Austria has its own building order, so rules and regulations may vary slightly. It’s best to check with the local authorities in your area.


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