Guide to Car Registration in Austria for Residents and EU Citizens

Table of Contents


What is it?

This is a guide to assist in registering a car in Austria whether you’re a resident, planning to move, or have purchased a vehicle in another country within the EU.

Who needs it?

Any individual who has recently purchased a car in Austria or has moved to Austria with their vehicle needs to register the same. This also applies to EU citizens who’ve purchased a car in another EU country and wish to bring it to Austria.


  1. Ensure the car passes the ‘Pickerl’ inspection. This can be done at any authorized garage List of Authorized Garages
  2. Once the car passes, you will receive a ‘Typenschein’ or ‘Einzelgenehmigung’. (Individual approval)
  3. Go to any insurance company in Austria and get a liability insurance (third-party coverage). They will give you an insurance policy number.
  4. Take the insurance policy number to your local Vehicle registration office Transport Authority Offices
  5. Pay for the car registration and the plates and you’re all set.

Required Documents

  • Valid ID card or Passport
  • Proof of address in Austria (Registration paper - Meldezettel)
  • ‘Typenschein’ or ‘Einzelgenehmigung’ (Provided from Pickerl inspection)
  • Proof of purchase or ownership
  • Liability insurance policy number

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

For individuals importing a car from another EU country to Austria, the procedure is largely similar. Typically, a brief exemption from registration taxes can be obtained if the car is being used for private purposes and not for sale.

It’s also noteworthy that tax on car registration may differ depending on the province of Austria you are registering the car in.


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