Guide to Deregistration of Residence in Germany and Austria

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What is it?

Deregistration of Residence is the process of formally terminating your registered living address in Germany or Austria. This procedure is required by the local authorities when an individual is moving out of a city or the country.

Who needs it?

Foreign nationals residing in the countries mentioned, including students, workers, or residents who have registered an address (Anmeldung) and are preparing to leave the city or country permanently or move to another place within the country.


  1. Download and fill out the deregistration form or Abmeldung form. This will typically require information like your name, date of birth, and the address you are deregistering. For Austria, download the form here and for Germany, download here .
  2. Sign the form.
  3. Either go to the local registration office (Bürgeramt in Germany or Meldeamt in Austria) or send the signed form by post to the appropriate office.
  4. You will receive an official deregistration confirmation (Abmeldebestätigung). Keep this safe, as you might need it in the future for bureaucratic issues.

Required Documents

  • Filled-out deregistration form
  • Identity documents (passport or ID)
  • Deregistration confirmation (Abmeldebestätigung) from local registration office

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

In Germany, it might be possible to deregister from one place and register at the new place at the same time if you are moving within the same city.

Ensure that you deregister before leaving the country because non-compliance can lead to complications like unnecessary tax payments or difficulties in obtaining future travel visas.

Remember, while deregistration is mainly required for foreigners leaving the respective countries, it is also applicable for those relocating within the country, moving from one city to another.

It is also a good idea to inform your health insurance (Krankenkasse) about your departure, as you may need to terminate or adjust your policy.


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