Guide to Income Tax Declaration in Austria: Steps and Requirements

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What is it?

Income tax declaration is a legal requirement in many countries, including Austria, where individuals and businesses must report their income, calculate their tax obligation and submit this information to the tax authority.

Who needs it?

Anyone earning income in Austria, whether an individual or a business entity, is required to declare their income for tax purposes. This includes Austrian residents and non-residents earning income within Austria.


  1. Gather all financial documents related to your income for the tax year. This will include pay slips, bank statements, and any other documents showing income earned.

  2. Obtain the necessary tax forms. These can be found on the Austrian Tax Office’s website (Link ).

  3. Fill out the tax forms. This will require detailed information about your income and potential deductible expenses.

  4. Submit the filled out forms to the Tax Office. This can usually be done online, though mailing or handing in person may also be options.

  5. Pay any owed tax. Once the Tax Office has processed your declaration, they will inform you of any further tax you owe.

Required Documents

  • Pay slips
  • Bank and financial statements
  • Receipts for deductibles

Some of these documents can be obtained through your employer or banks with which you have financial interactions. Deductible documents should be kept throughout the year.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

Keep in mind that the tax year in Austria, as in many countries, is the calendar year, so income earned from January to December must be reported. Furthermore, deadlines for tax declaration usually fall in the subsequent year, often in the spring. Be aware of these deadlines to avoid late fees or penalties. Filing your income tax declaration accurately and on time is crucial for financial compliance.


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