How to Obtain Proof of Austrian Citizenship: Steps and Requirements

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What is it?

Proof of Citizenship refers to the process of establishing or substantiating your legal status as a citizen of a country - in this case, Austria. This involves gathering and submitting various documents related to your ancestry, residency, and identity.

Who needs it?

This procedure is typically needed by individuals who are attempting to clarify their legal status, often in the context of employment, property ownership, immigration, or acquiring a passport.


  1. Apply for an Austrian citizenship certificate (“Staatsbürgerschaftsnachweis”) at your local provincial government office (“Landesregierung”).
  2. Follow the specific rules and regulations for your locality, as the requirements may differ between provinces.
  3. Prepare all the required documents detailed in the next section.
  4. Submit all the required documents to the relevant provincial government office.
  5. After your application and documents have been reviewed, you will receive a formal notice regarding the status of your citizenship.

Required Documents

A list of typical documents required include:

  • Proof of Identity (birth certificate, passport)
  • Proof of Residence (utility bills, rental contract)
  • Marriage and/or divorce certificates (where applicable)
  • Proof of ancestry (birth, marriage, death certificates of parents or grandparents especially if the right to Austrian nationality is through descent)
  • Any other document specifically requested by your provincial government office.

The exact documents needed will vary depending on personal circumstances, so it’s important to check with the relevant provincial government office.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

Your provincial government office will be able to provide more accurate time and cost estimates as they vary based on individual circumstances. It is important to note that acquiring proof of citizenship may be a complex process depending on your individual circumstances, so getting legal advice or assistance can be helpful. One important note is that Austria generally does not accept dual citizenship, so you might have to renounce former nationality. Always check the current laws about citizenship when proceeding.


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