Guide to Registering Your Residence in Austria (Meldezettel)

Table of Contents


What is it?

A Registration Certificate, also known as Meldezettel in Austria, is a document that officially registers your place of residence in the country.

Who needs it?

Anyone residing in Austria for more than three days. This applies to Austrains and immigrants alike, as well as short-term and long-term residents.


  1. Find a place to stay: You need to have an address in Austria to register.

  2. Fill out the Registration form (Meldezettel): You can download the form online or pick it up from the registration office (‘Meldeamt’). Download form

  3. Get your landlord’s signature: It’s legally required for landlords to sign the form.

  4. Submit the completed form: Present the signed form within three days of moving to your new place at a local registration office (‘Meldeamt’). This has to be done in person as online acceptance isn’t available.

Required Documents

  • Completed Registration form (Meldezettel)
  • Passport or other id-proof
  • Document for proof of right of residence for non-EU/EEA nationals

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

In case of belated registration, you may need to pay a fine. However, the fine can be waived if you provide a valid reason for the delay. Also, some private companies can assist you with the procedure for a fee.


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