Anmeldung in Austria: How to Register Your Residence

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What is it?

Registration in Austria is a legal requirement for both citizens and foreigners living in the country for more than 3 days. This is called Anmeldung, or registration, where you register your primary residence with the local authorities.

Who needs it?

Any individual intending to live in Austria for an extended period, whether for work, study, or other reasons need to register.


  1. Find a place to live. You will need an address for registration.
  2. Get a Meldezettel. This is a form which both you and your landlord need to sign.
  3. Complete the Meldezettel using your landlord’s information and your personal data, including your religion as the information is needed for the religious tax.
  4. Visit your local registration service (Meldeamt). Check their opening times before your visit.
  5. Bring your completed Meldezettel form and valid identification (passport or identity card).

Links to official Austrian Government Website for more information:

  • Information on Registration here
  • Download Meldezettel form here

Required Documents

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

Please note that for some services you will need proof of registration (Meldezettel). It is therefore important to register your residing address within 3 days of moving in. Failure to do so can result in a fine up to 726 Euros.


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