Guide to Replacing a Driver's License in Austria: Step-by-Step

Table of Contents


What is it?

This guide explains the process of applying for a replacement driver’s license in Austria. This could become necessary due to losing your existing license, the need for updating personal details, or due to it becoming worn or damaged.

Who needs it?

Anyone who holds a valid Austrian driver’s license and needs to replace it due to the aforementioned reasons.


  1. Report the loss at the police station as soon as you realised your driving license went missing.
  2. Visit your local vehicle licence issuing agency with your identity card for confirmation.
  3. Complete the relevant application forms.
  4. Attend face-to-face consultation (if necessary).
  5. Collect your new driver’s license from the issuing authority (the procedure might change based on your region).

Note: Non-European driving licenses need to be converted to an Austrian (European) license in order to be able to drive in Austria for a longer period.

Required Documents

  • Valid ID card (for non-European citizens a passport is required)
  • An additional photo of yourself (this must fulfill all photo requirements)
  • Medical-psychological examination report (for certain categories on a case-by-case basis)

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • It’s important to ensure your driver’s license is always in good condition and that all details are updated, as necessary.
  • Please note that the requirements and process may vary based on your region. Always confirm with your local vehicle license issuing authority.
  • If you’re visiting or living in Austria with a foreign license, make sure to check the requirements for that specific region.
  • The replacement process is typically in your local language. English may not always be accommodated.


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