Meldezettel Registration: Essential Guide for Residents in Austria

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What is it?

Reporting obligation, or Meldezettel, is a registration document required by law in Austria. It serves as an official proof of where you are living in Austria.

Who needs it?

Every person in Austria including citizens, expats, and students are required to register their place of residence with the authorities. This includes people who have recently moved to Austria or changed their place of residence within Austria.


  1. Visit a local registration service office (Meldeamt).
  2. Obtain the reporting obligation (Meldezettel) form.
  3. Fill out the form with the necessary personal information.
  4. Have the form signed by the landlord/ landlady or authorized property management.
  5. Submit the form to the registration service office (Meldeamt).

Required Documents

  • Passport or personal identification
  • Signed rental contract (provides the property’s exact address)

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • After successful registration, a confirmation (Meldebestätigung) will be issued.
  • The registration should be done within the first three days after moving in.
  • If you fail to register in due time (within 3 days), you might receive a fine. So it’s better to do it as soon as possible.
  • For official procedures in Vienna, e.g., applying for a parking card, submitting your tax returns, etc. a more long-term proof (Meldebestätigung) is needed.
  • If you are studying in Austria, you will need this registration document for further steps such as extending your visa or for other administrative procedures.
  • If you move out from the address registered, don’t forget to un-register (Abmeldung) at the local office (Magistratisches Bezirksamt).
  • There is no cost for registering or un-registering, it is provided as a free service by the Austrian government.
    Please note that these processes may vary slightly from city to city, but overall, it remains the same. Check your city’s official website for the most accurate information.


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