Guide for International Students Registering in Austrian Schools

Table of Contents


What is it?

School registration is the process of enrolling in a school to pursue your desired course of study. This guide focuses on the procedures to be followed in Austria.

Who needs it?

This is specifically designed for International Students seeking to study in Austria.


  1. Research: Find a suitable school and course in Austria, ensure it is recognized and fits your career objectives.
  2. Application: Apply to the school following their guidelines. This usually involves submitting an online application with your transcripts, CV, possibly a letter of motivation and possibly language proficiency proof.
  3. Acceptance: Wait for acceptance letter from university.
  4. Residence Permit: Once accepted, apply for a residence permit if required.
  5. Accommodation: Look for accommodation in Austria while awaiting your residence permit approval.
  6. Register: Once your permit is approved and you have moved to Austria, you would usually need to register at the school in person.
  7. Semester Contribution: Pay the semester contribution to the school.

Required documents

  • A valid passport
  • Previous school certificates / University transcripts
  • Acceptance letter from the school in Austria
  • Letter of Motivation (if required)
  • Proof of language skills (if required)
  • Proof of financial means to sustain yourself in Austria
  • Proof of Health Insurance (mandatory for a residence permit)

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • Application process varies from university to university and course to course.
  • The cost of living in Austria can range between 800 and 1,200 euros per month.
  • Unis/colleges usually have information offices where one can ask for help particularly with issues like registration, accommodation, and the like. This should be the first port of call for problems.
  • It is important to know that in Austria, students in bachelor’s or master’s programs do not have to pay tuition fees if they are citizens of a EU/EEA country. These students only have to pay the Austrian Students Union and Student Insurance fee of around 19.20 Euros per Semester.
  • Students from third countries without a residence permit student, have to pay a tuition fee of 726.72 Euros per Semester and the Austrian Students Union and student insurance fee of around 19.20 Euros per semester.

All these are general guidelines, always check the specific requirements of the school and course in which you are interested.


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