Guide to Studying and Living in Austria: Scholarships and Tips

Table of Contents


What is it?

This guide provides information about navigating life as a student in Austria, including study scholarship opportunities and living/budgeting advice in Vienna. The information is largely derived from average individual experiences shared on various online forums.

Who needs it?

This guide would be ideal for students who are considering studying or are currently studying in Austria, particularly in Vienna.


  1. Look into scholarship opportunities: There are various scholarships available for international students, seek out which ones you may qualify for. One example is the Ernst Mach Grant for studying at an Austrian University of Applied Sciences (Fachhochschule).
  2. Prepare a CV: If you’re looking for part-time jobs to support your studies, make sure your CV is well prepared and tailored to the Austrian jobs market.
  3. Make sure your finances are in order: It’s crucial that you plan and prepare a good budget.
  4. Learn about the local culture and rights: Understanding Austrian customs and social norms will help you adapt quickly, and knowing your rights will ensure you are not exploited.

Required Documents

Depending on the purpose, you may need the following documents:

  • Scholarship Application
  • Academic Reports / Transcripts
  • CV for job applications
  • Financial Proof/Bank Statement for budget planning

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • Vienna can be quite an expensive city. Therefore, plan your budget carefully to avoid running into financial problems.
  • The culture in Austria can be very different from your home country. Make an effort to learn and understand the local customs and traditions.


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