How to Obtain a Marriage Certificate: Steps and Requirements

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What is it?

A marriage certificate is an official document verifying the legal marriage between two individuals.

Who needs it?

Anyone who got married and needs proof of their marriage. The document can be required for diverse reasons such as changing one’s name, applying for some visas, insurance, among others.


  1. You might need to get an apostille on your marriage certificate making it officially recognized worldwide. This is to ensure the acceptance of the certificate by authorities in your country of residence.

  2. If the marriage certificate is not in either of the languages recognized in Belgium (Dutch, French or German), you would have to get it translated.

Required Documents

Below are the documents usually required when requesting a marriage certificate;

  1. Proof of identity (ID Card, Passport)
  2. Proof of address
  3. Original copy of marriage certificate/foreign marriage certificate
  4. Apostille for the marriage certificate (especially if it’s foreign) - You can request for an Apostille from a competent authority in the country where the document was issued.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

Remember to cross-check with the local authorities or related government website for the most updated information as regulations can change. Also, note that it’s necessary for your marriage certificate to be recognized in the country where you got married and also in Belgium.


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