How to Obtain and Use a Parking Card: A Complete Guide

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What is it?

A parking card or parking pass is an authorization to park a vehicle within a specific area. This document is crucial in areas where parking space is limited or reserved for residents or specific individuals.

Who needs it?

Ideal for car owners who reside or frequently park in areas where only cars with parking cards are allowed.


  1. Apply through the online portal of your respective city or town council. You can usually find this in the services or residents section of the website.
  2. Fill in the necessary details asked in the application form.
  3. Attach the required documents. (see section below)
  4. Pay the application fee.
  5. Submit the application.
  6. Wait for approval. Once approved, you’ll receive the parking card which you should display visibly on your dashboard when parking.

Required Documents

The following are the common documents needed, but might vary slightly depending upon the location:

  1. Proof of residence - You can use utility bills, lease agreements, or any other document that verifies your address.
  2. Vehicle registration document - Verifying that the vehicle is registered under your name.
  3. Identity proof - Valid ID card or Passport for verification purposes.

Remember to check the specific requirements within your jurisdiction as these might slightly vary.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • Remember to renew your parking card before it expires. Typically, cards are valid for one year.
  • The parking card is associated with a specific vehicle. If you change your vehicle, you will need to change the registration number associated with your parking card.
  • Parking cards are usually location-specific. For example, if you live in Brussels, you should contact the Brussels City Council. If you reside in a different city or town, you would need to contact your local council.


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