How to Apply for Pension Benefits in Belgium for Retirees

Table of Contents


What is it?

The request for pension is a formal application to begin receiving benefits upon retirement. The benefits are determined by your working history and the contributions you have made throughout your career.

Who needs it?

Any employee who is going to retire or who has reached the legal retirement age in Belgium, typically older than 65 years, needs to request for their pension. Also, self-employed persons who have made optional pension savings during their career may need to do this.


  1. Determine your eligibility: Check the legal retirement age and if you meet the eligibility for pension benefits in Belgium. You can check your eligibility on this Official website .
  2. Gather Required Documents: Prepare the necessary documents required for the application. It would typically include a selection of personal and professional documents, some of which are mentioned in the Required Documents section.
  3. Apply Online: You can apply for your retirement online at the Belgian pension service MyPension using your electronic ID card reader.
  4. Confirmation: Once your application has been successful, you will receive a confirmation.

Required Documents

  • Proof of Identity (ID card, Passport)
  • Residence permit (for non-citizens)
  • Work History Records
  • Proof of optional pension savings if applicable

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

The amount of pension you receive will depend on the duration of your career and the amount of your earnings in Belgium. There is also the possibility to accrue further pension entitlements after the age of 65 provided that you continue working. Always keep track of your social security contributions to ensure you receive the maximum possible amount on retirement.


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