Belgium Work Permits: Types, Application & Requirements Guide

Table of Contents


What is it?

A work permit is a mandatory document for Non-EU individuals who wish to work in Belgium. It serves as legal authorization to work in the country.

Who needs it?

Non-EU residents who wish to engage in any job or employment in Belgium.


  1. Identify the type of work permit you need: There are three types of work permits – A, B and C. Type A allows you to work for any employer for an unlimited period. Type B is tied to a specific job with a specific employer. Type C allows you to work on a temporary basis.

  2. Obtain a job offer: For Type B permit, you need a job offer from a Belgium-based employer who applies for the “employment authorization” at the regional employment service.

  3. Submit the application: Once approved, the employer sends the authorization to you and you can apply for the work permit at the Belgian embassy or consulate in your home country.

  4. Submit passport and proof of legal residence: During the application, you need to submit your passport and a proof of legal residence in your home country.

  5. After receiving approval letter from the embassy, use it to apply for a long stay (D) visa which enables you to enter Belgium to carry out your work contract.

Required Documents

  • A valid passport
  • A job offer letter (for Type B work permit)
  • Medical Certificate confirming the applicant is in good health.
  • Documents proving legal residence in your home country

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • Permit type B is tied to the specific employer and job. If you change your job, a new work permit will be needed where your new employer will have to start the application process from scratch.

  • For students/researchers on an internship, if the internship period exceeds 90 days, a Single Permit will be required which merges work and residence permit into one.


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