Update Your Electoral Address in Bolivia: Simple Step-by-Step Guide

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What is it?

Changing your electoral address in Bolivia allows you to update your registered address for voting purposes. This ensures that you can cast your vote in the correct precinct based on your current residence. The process is simple and ensures that your voting rights are maintained accurately.

Who needs it?

This service is essential for Bolivian citizens who have recently moved to a new address and need to update their electoral information. It is also beneficial for individuals who may have incorrect address information on their voting records and want to correct it before the next election. Students, professionals relocating for work, and citizens returning from abroad can greatly benefit from this service.


  1. Visit the nearest electoral office in your municipality.
  2. Request the electoral address change form and fill it out accurately.
  3. Submit the completed form alongside your required documents.
  4. Wait for confirmation from the electoral office, which will usually be provided within a few weeks.
  5. Check your updated voter registration online or at the electoral office to confirm the address change.

Required documents

  • National Identity Card (Cédula de Identidad): Obtain this from the Servicio General de Identificación Personal (SEGIP) offices.
  • Proof of Residence: A recent utility bill or rental agreement in your name that shows your current address.
  • Optional: Any additional documents that may be requested by the electoral office.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • Ensure all your documents are up-to-date before submitting them.
  • Changes might take a few weeks, so plan ahead before the election period.
  • You can check the status of your address change request online or by visiting the electoral office.


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