Bolivia's Fiscal Valuation Certificate: Essential for Real Estate

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What is it?

A Fiscal Valuation Certificate in Bolivia is an official document issued by the municipal government that assesses the value of a property for taxation purposes. This certificate is essential for legal transactions involving real estate, including sales, transfers, and inheritance. It ensures that the property is valued correctly in accordance with current market rates and municipal regulations.

Who needs it?

This service is crucial for individuals and businesses involved in property transactions in Bolivia. Ideal customers include homeowners, real estate investors, legal professionals, and inheritors of property. Anyone requiring an accurate property valuation for tax purposes or property transfer documentation will find this service indispensable.


  1. Visit the local municipal office in the area where the property is located or access their official website.
  2. Submit the required application form for the Fiscal Valuation Certificate.
  3. Attach the necessary documents to your application (see required documents list).
  4. Pay the applicable fees for the valuation service.
  5. Wait for the municipal valuation team to visit the property and conduct the assessment.
  6. Receive the Fiscal Valuation Certificate, which can typically be collected in person or delivered via mail.

Required documents

  • Property deed – Obtain from the public registry if not available.
  • Identification documents (ID card or passport) – Ensure they are up-to-date.
  • Proof of address – Provide a recent utility bill or bank statement.
  • Previous tax receipts – Gather receipts from prior property taxes paid.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • Make sure all documents are in Spanish or translated by a certified translator.
  • Fees vary depending on the property value and locality – check with your local municipality.
  • Processing times can range from a few days to several weeks.
  • You may need to schedule an appointment for the property visit by the municipal valuation team.


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