Bolivia Pension Request Guide - Steps & Requirements

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What is it?

The Pension Request Service in Bolivia is a formal process through which qualified residents can apply for retirement benefits. This service entails submitting necessary documentation and undergoing a verification process to be eligible for pension payments funded by the Bolivian government.

Who needs it?

This service is ideal for Bolivian residents who are nearing retirement age or have retired. It is particularly beneficial for individuals who have had long-term employment, contributed to social security, or meet the eligibility criteria defined by Bolivian law. Expatriates residing in Bolivia may also find this service essential if they qualify for local pension benefits.


  1. Verify eligibility criteria on the official Bolivian government website.
  2. Gather required documentation, such as employment records, identification, and proof of social security contributions.
  3. Fill out the pension request application form, available at local government offices or online.
  4. Submit the completed application along with the required documents in person or through the official online portal.
  5. Await confirmation of receipt and any additional steps from the local pension office.
  6. Attend any mandatory interviews or verification processes as scheduled.
  7. Receive your pension approval or denial notice and understand the terms of payment.

Required documents

  • Valid government-issued ID (e.g., passport or Bolivian ID card) - Can be obtained from SEGIP
  • Proof of social security contributions - Obtainable from your employer or APS
  • Employment records - Obtain from previous employers or personal records
  • Pension application form - Available at local government offices or online
  • Bank account information for direct deposit - Set up at your preferred bank

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • Processing times can vary, so it’s advised to apply well in advance of your planned retirement date.
  • There may be supplementary interviews or verification steps required.
  • Make sure all documentation is up-to-date and correctly filled out to avoid delays.
  • Consult with a local advisor or legal expert if you have questions about your eligibility.


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