Mandatory Social Security Registration in Bolivia for Residents

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What is it?

Social Security Registration in Bolivia is a mandatory process for all residents and workers in the country. It ensures that individuals are enrolled in the national social security system, which provides benefits such as healthcare, pensions, and unemployment insurance. Registering for social security is vital for legal employment and access to public services.

Who needs it?

This service is essential for anyone residing and working in Bolivia, including expatriates, digital nomads, and local employees. Individuals planning long-term stays, engaging in permanent or semi-permanent employment, or those running a business in Bolivia must complete this registration. It is also pertinent for tourists planning to extend their visit and participate in the local workforce.


  1. Gather all required documents including your passport, Bolivian visa, and employment contract.
  2. Visit the nearest social security office in Bolivia. Check the official website for locations and hours of operation.
  3. Fill out the social security registration form provided by the office.
  4. Submit your completed form along with all required documents to the designated official.
  5. Wait for confirmation and verification of your documents.
  6. Once approved, you will receive your social security number and official registration confirmation.

Required documents

  • Passport: Obtainable from your home country’s passport agency.
  • Bolivian Visa: Issued by the Bolivian consulate or embassy.
  • Employment Contract: Provided by your employer in Bolivia.
  • Completed Social Security Registration Form: Available at social security offices or their official website.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • Make sure all documents are up-to-date and valid.
  • Processing times may vary; ensure you apply well in advance.
  • It’s advisable to check local regulations and updates on the official social security website.
  • Some social security offices may require an appointment, so plan ahead.


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