How to Register for a CPF in Brazil - Step-by-Step Guide

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What is it?

A CPF (Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas) is an individual taxpayer identification number in Brazil, essential for numerous financial and legal activities like opening a bank account, purchasing goods, and more. It’s a mandatory document provided by the Brazilian Federal Revenue for both residents and foreigners who need to engage in financial activities within the country.

Who needs it?

The ideal customer for CPF registration includes foreigners living in or planning to visit Brazil who need to perform financial transactions such as opening a bank account, signing rental agreements, purchasing property, or subscribing to any services online and offline that require a CPF.


  1. Gather all the required documents: passport, proof of residency, visa, and optionally, a birth certificate.
  2. Visit a local Receita Federal office or a certified post office with your documents.
  3. Fill out the CPF application form provided by the staff.
  4. Pay the applicable fee, which varies depending on the location and urgency.
  5. Wait for your CPF number to be issued. You might receive it immediately or within a few days by email.

Required documents

  • Passport – Obtain from your local embassy or consulate.
  • Proof of residency – Utility bills like water, gas, or electricity, available from the service providers.
  • Visa – Issued by the Brazilian consulate or embassy for your country.
  • Birth certificate (optional but recommended) – Obtain from your local civil registry office.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • Your CPF can be used for online purchases from Brazilian websites.
  • The process can be initiated at a Brazilian consulate abroad for convenience before arriving in Brazil.
  • A CPF does not expire but should be updated if your personal information changes.
  • Some applications might get flagged if you use international cards without a CPF linked to them.


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