Fast & Accurate Brazil Criminal Background Checks Service

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What is it?

A criminal background check in Brazil provides a comprehensive review of an individual’s criminal records. This service is essential for verifying a person’s criminal history, ensuring that they have no pending investigations or past convictions that could affect employment, residency applications, or personal relationships.

Who needs it?

This service is ideal for employers looking to verify a potential employee’s criminal history, individuals applying for residency or visas, people who are entering into personal relationships such as engagements, and anyone else needing assurance of an individual’s background for legal or personal reasons.


  1. Obtain the individual’s CPF number.
  2. Visit the official website of the Brazilian Federal Police or the local state police department.
  3. Fill out the required forms with accurate personal details.
  4. Submit the form online or in-person at a local police station.
  5. Pay any applicable fees for the background check.
  6. Wait for the criminal background check report to be processed and delivered, which may take a few days to a week.

Required documents

  • CPF Number: Obtainable from the Receita Federal if the individual does not already have one.
  • Valid ID: Can be a passport, national ID, or driver’s license.
  • Completed Application Form: Available on the official police websites.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • Background checks are crucial for anyone planning to enter into a legally binding agreement or relationship in Brazil.
  • Employers often require a criminal background check as part of the hiring process to ensure a safe workplace.
  • The processing time for a criminal background check may vary depending on the police department.
  • Some local jurisdictions might have specific requirements or processes; it’s advisable to check the official website for the most accurate information.


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