Get Your International Driving Permit for Brazil Easily

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What is it?

An International Driving Permit (IDP) allows tourists and expatriates to legally drive in Brazil, complementing their home country’s driver’s license. This document translates your license information into multiple languages, making it easier for local authorities to comprehend your driving credentials.

Who needs it?

Ideal for tourists, expatriates, and business travelers who plan to rent or drive a car in Brazil. If you want to explore Brazilian cities, remote areas, or undertake long drives during your stay, an IDP is a critical document to have. It ensures compliance with local traffic regulations and avoids potential legal complications.


  1. Check eligibility: Ensure that you possess a valid driver’s license in your home country.
  2. Visit your local automobile association: Find your home country’s authorized agency for issuing IDPs.
  3. Fill out the application form: Provide necessary personal and driver’s license information.
  4. Submit required documents: Include photographs and any additional required identification.
  5. Pay the service fee: Applicable fees vary by country and agency.
  6. Receive your IDP: Your permit will be processed and mailed to you.

Required documents

  • Valid driver’s license from your home country: Make sure it has not expired.
  • Recent passport-sized photographs: Typically two passport photographs are required.
  • Completed IDP application form: Obtain this from the authorized automobile association.
  • Proof of identity: Such as a passport or other government-issued ID.
  • Payment for fees: Fees vary, check with your issuing organization.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • An IDP is valid for one year from the date of issue.
  • You must always carry both your original driver’s license and the IDP while driving.
  • The IDP is recognized in Brazil, translating your license into Portuguese and other languages.
  • For extended stays, consider converting your foreign license to a Brazilian one by visiting the local DETRAN (Department of Traffic).
  • Be aware that not having an IDP might result in fines or vehicle impoundment during traffic stops.


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