Maternity Allowance in Brazil - Eligibility and How to Apply

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What is it?

Maternity Allowance in Brazil is a government benefit provided to expectant mothers, ensuring financial stability during the crucial period of childbirth and early child-rearing. This allowance aims to support women who are unable to work due to pregnancy and motherhood by offering a temporary financial aid until they can resume their professional activities.

Who needs it?

This service is essential for pregnant women residing in Brazil, particularly those who are formally employed, self-employed, or unemployed but have contributed to Social Security. It is also invaluable for expectant mothers who are planning their maternity leave and need financial support to focus on their health and that of their newborn without the stress of financial instability.


  1. Verify Eligibility: Ensure you meet the requirements for Maternity Allowance (e.g., contributing to Social Security).
  2. Gather Documents: Collect all necessary documents (detailed below).
  3. Complete Application: Fill out the necessary forms available on the Social Security website or at a Social Security agency.
  4. Submit Application: Submit your completed form along with the required documents online or at the nearest Social Security office.
  5. Wait for Approval: Monitor the status of your application through the Social Security website or their customer service.
  6. Receive Benefit: Once approved, the Maternity Allowance will be deposited into your bank account as per the payment schedule.

Required documents

  • Social Security Number (NIT or PIS/PASEP): Obtainable through INSS or other governing bodies.
  • Identification (CPF and RG): Can be obtained through local government offices.
  • Proof of Contributions: Pay stubs or equivalent documents.
  • Medical Certificate: Issued by a registered physician confirming pregnancy and expected date of delivery.
  • Application Form: Available on the Social Security website or at local offices.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • Make sure to apply for Maternity Allowance within 28 days before the baby’s due date to 92 days after the birth.
  • If you’re an employee, inform your employer about your maternity leave at least 30 days in advance.
  • Self-employed individuals should register their activities and contributions properly to avoid any issues.
  • For unemployed individuals, ensure you have made contributions to Social Security within the relevant time frame to be eligible.


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