Ultimate Guide to Brazil's National Social Information Registry

Table of Contents


What is it?

The National Social Information Registry (Cadastro Nacional de Informações Sociais, CNIS) in Brazil is a comprehensive database containing the employment, earnings, and social security information of Brazilian citizens. It is managed by the Ministry of Social Security and is pivotal for accessing various social benefits, including retirement, pensions, and unemployment insurance.

Who needs it?

The National Social Information Registry is essential for all Brazilian citizens and residents who are part of the formal employment sector, self-employed individuals contributing to social security, and anyone looking to claim social benefits such as retirement pensions or unemployment insurance. It is also beneficial for employers managing workforce data and ensuring compliance with national regulations.


  1. Access the Portal: Visit the official CNIS portal through this link .
  2. Create an Account: Register by providing personal information and obtaining a password.
  3. Log In: Use your CPF number and password to log into the portal.
  4. Verify Information: Check and update your employment, earning, and social security details.
  5. Submit Requests: Apply for benefits or inquire about your social security contributions through the portal interface.
  6. Follow Up: Track the status of your applications and verify any requested documentation.

Required documents

  • CPF (Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas): Obtainable through any Receita Federal office or online portal.
  • RG (Registro Geral): Your national identity card, obtainable from state-issued agencies.
  • CTPS (Carteira de Trabalho e Previdência Social): Worker’s document issued by the Ministry of Labor.
  • Proof of Residence: Recent utility bills or official correspondence.
  • Selfie with Document: For identity verification, if needed.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • Avoid Scams: Do not pay any fees for CNIS registration, as some scams may request unnecessary payments.
  • CPF Requirements: Essential for almost every formal process in Brazil; ensure it is always updated.
  • Digital Access: Consider using the mobile app for easier access to your CNIS data on the go.


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