Effortless NGO Registration in Brazil - Legal Guidance & Support

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What is it?

Our NGO Registration Service in Brazil provides organizations with step-by-step guidance and support to legally register as a non-governmental organization (NGO) in Brazil. This service includes assistance with paperwork, compliance with local laws, and obtaining necessary government approvals, ensuring your NGO operates within legal frameworks.

Who needs it?

This service is ideal for individuals or groups looking to establish a non-profit, charitable, or humanitarian organization in Brazil. It is perfect for anyone from international volunteers, community-focused individuals, to local activists wanting to formalize their operations and ensure legal compliance.


  1. Initial Consultation: Schedule a meeting with our experts to discuss your NGO’s mission and objectives.
  2. Name Reservation: Reserve your NGO’s name with the Brazilian Registry of Commerce.
  3. Prepare Documents: Gather necessary documents such as bylaws and articles of association.
  4. Submit Application: Submit your application and documents to the relevant Brazilian government authorities.
  5. Tax ID Registration: Register for a CNPJ (Brazilian National Registry of Legal Entities).
  6. Obtain License: Receive your operational license from municipal authorities.
  7. Final Approval: Await final approval and issuance of your NGO registration certificate.

Required documents

  • Founding Members’ Identification: Obtain valid ID and CPF (Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas) numbers for all founding members.
  • Bylaws: Draft the NGO’s bylaws detailing the mission, governance structure, and operational rules.
  • Articles of Association: Create a detailed document stating the NGO’s purpose and objectives.
  • Address Proof: Provide proof of the NGO’s registered address in Brazil.
  • Board of Directors’ Resolution: A formal statement from the board authorizing the registration.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • All founding members must have a valid CPF number. Visit Receita Federal to apply if needed.
  • NGOs involved in financial activities might need additional licenses from Brazilian Central Bank.
  • Legal assistance is recommended for drafting bylaws to ensure compliance with Brazilian laws.


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