Comprehensive Guide to Transferring Students Between Brazil Schools

Table of Contents


What is it?

The service provides comprehensive guidance on the process of transferring students between public schools in Brazil, including necessary steps, required documents, and essential tips for a smooth transition.

Who needs it?

This service is ideal for parents or guardians planning to move within Brazil and need to transfer their child to a new public school. It is also useful for families looking for better educational opportunities or a more convenient school location.


  1. Identify the new school’s zoning area to ensure the transfer request aligns with your residence.
  2. Visit the new school’s administrative office to inquire about the transfer process and obtain application forms.
  3. Prepare all required documents, including proof of residence and prior school records.
  4. Submit the transfer application and all necessary documentation to the new school for processing.
  5. Wait for the new school to review the application and confirm the transfer acceptance.
  6. Once approved, ensure the student is officially enrolled in the new school and familiar with their new schedule and classes.

Required documents

  • Proof of residence (utility bill, rental agreement): Obtain from your household bills or rental/ownership documentation.
  • Previous school records (report cards, transcripts): Request from the administrative office of the current or previous school.
  • Student’s birth certificate: Available from the local registry office (Cartório).
  • Parent or guardian’s identification (RG, CPF): Ensure these documents are up-to-date and valid.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • Some schools may require additional documentation such as immunization records.
  • The transfer process can vary slightly depending on the state or municipality, so it’s crucial to verify specifics with the new school.
  • It’s important to maintain communication with both the previous and new school to ensure a smooth transition for the student.


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