Comprehensive Retirement Request Service in Brazil Assistance

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What is it?

Our Retirement Request Service in Brazil provides comprehensive assistance for individuals seeking to obtain their retirement benefits. From understanding eligibility criteria to submitting the necessary documentation, our service ensures a hassle-free experience, guiding you through each step efficiently.

Who needs it?

This service is ideal for individuals planning to retire in Brazil, whether they are locals or expatriates. It’s perfect for those who want to ensure a smooth transition into retirement, including the self-employed, company employees nearing retirement age, and foreigners who have relocated to Brazil and wish to integrate into the local pension system.


  1. Determine your eligibility for retirement benefits based on age, years of contribution, and other specific criteria.
  2. Gather all required documents, including proof of identity, contribution history, and any other relevant paperwork.
  3. Submit your application through the appropriate government channels, either online or in-person.
  4. Await confirmation and approval from the relevant authorities.
  5. Once approved, follow up on any additional steps as instructed, such as setting up payment methods for receiving benefits.

Required documents

  • Proof of Identity (e.g., Passport, National ID)
  • Proof of Residence in Brazil
  • Work and Contribution History (e.g., payslips, official records)
  • Social Security Documentation
  • Any other relevant employment records
  • You can obtain most of these documents from your employer, relevant government agencies, and social security offices. It’s often useful to access official online portals where available.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • Retirement age and contribution requirements vary and must be verified based on your specific situation.
  • Expatriates may need to provide additional documentation such as visas and proof of long-term residence.
  • Ensure to check any updates or changes in retirement laws that might affect eligibility or process.
  • Utilize accredited services or legal advice if you are uncertain about any requirements or steps.


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