Brazil Unemployment Insurance - How to Apply & Qualify

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What is it?

Unemployment insurance in Brazil, known as ‘Seguro Desemprego’, is a social benefit provided by the government to assist workers who have been laid off. It aims to offer temporary financial assistance while they seek new employment. This benefit is available to formal workers registered with the government, domestic workers, and various other categories, ensuring financial stability during periods of unemployment.

Who needs it?

Seguro Desemprego is essential for Brazilian workers who have recently lost their jobs and are seeking financial support while they look for new employment opportunities. The service is particularly important for those in the formal sector, as well as domestic workers and fishermen affected by unemployment. Individuals working abroad who have been employed by a Brazilian company may also be eligible.


  1. Verify Eligibility: Ensure that you meet the criteria for receiving unemployment insurance.
  2. Gather Required Documents: Collect all necessary documentation, including an employment record book and identification.
  3. Apply Online: Visit the official Brazilian government portal for unemployment insurance applications.
  4. Fill Out Application: Complete the application form with accurate information.
  5. Submit Application: Submit the form and required documents through the online portal or at a local employment office.
  6. Follow Up: Monitor the status of your application through the online portal or by contacting the office.
  7. Receive Benefits: Upon approval, receive your benefits in your designated bank account.

Required documents

  • Employment Record Book (Carteira de Trabalho e Previdência Social - CTPS)
  • Identification documents (e.g., RG, CPF, or passport)
  • Severance Pay Receipt (Termo de Rescisão do Contrato de Trabalho)
  • Proof of Address
  • Application Form (available on the government portal)

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • Eligibility is based on your employment history and the reason for termination.
  • Your benefits will cease if you start a new job or do not comply with the requirements set by the government.
  • Applications can be submitted online via the Brazil government’s official portal or at local employment offices.
  • For those residing abroad during their unemployment period, additional steps might be necessary to prove eligibility and maintain benefits.


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