Essential Work Card Guide for Employment in Brazil

Table of Contents


What is it?

A Work Card (Carteira de Trabalho) in Brazil is an essential document that records your employment history and ensures your labor rights. It is legally required for all formal employment arrangements and is issued by the Ministry of Labor.

Who needs it?

The ideal customer is any individual, both Brazilian citizens and foreigners, seeking formal employment in Brazil. This includes recent graduates entering the workforce, experienced professionals changing jobs, and foreigners who have received a job offer in Brazil.


  1. Obtain a copy of your ID (e.g., RG for Brazilians, passport for foreigners).
  2. Obtain your CPF (Cadastro de Pessoa Física) from a local Receita Federal office or certain post offices and banks.
  3. Schedule an appointment through the official Ministry of Labor website or visit the nearest Poupatempo (in São Paulo) or regional labor office.
  4. Attend your appointment with all required documents for verification and processing.
  5. Receive your Work Card, typically on the same day or within a short period.

Required documents

  • RG (Brazilian ID) or Passport (for foreigners) - obtain from local civil registry offices or embassies.
  • CPF (Cadastro de Pessoa Física) - obtainable from Receita Federal, post offices, or selected banks.
  • Proof of residence - recent utility bill, rental agreement, etc.
  • Recent photo (3x4 cm) - can be taken at photo studios.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • Without a Work Card, you will not be able to legally work in Brazil.
  • Employers may also refer to it when processing employee benefits such as FGTS, unemployment insurance, and social security.
  • Update your Work Card regularly with any changes in employment status.


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