How to Register a Business in Bulgaria: A Step-by-Step Guide

Table of Contents


What is it?

Registering a business in Bulgaria involves several legal and administrative steps to obtain official recognition and permits for your company. The process encompasses from choosing and reserving a company name, to acquiring necessary permits and licenses, and complying with tax regulations.

Who needs it?

This guide is ideal for anyone looking to start a business in Bulgaria - including locals, expats, and even digital nomads.


  1. Company Name Reservation: Choose and reserve a name for your company. The name must be unique and can be checked for availability at the Bulgarian Registry Agency’s online portal .
  2. Drafting of Company Statutes: Create a Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association that comply with Bulgarian law. Here, you will layout the purpose of your company, its management structure, and share distribution.
  3. Opening of a Temporary Bank Account: A temporary bank account must be opened for your company in a Bulgarian bank. The initial capital, depending on your company type, must be deposited into this account.
  4. Registration with the Commercial Register: Submit the completed application and necessary documents to the Bulgarian Registry Agency.
  5. Official Company Stamp: Obtain the official stamp for your company.
  6. Registration with the Tax Authorities: Register your company with the tax authorities and obtain a VAT number if necessary.

Required Documents

  • Passport or personal identification document
  • Proof of address
  • Articles of Association
  • Bank certificate for the deposit of the capital
  • Application form for registration

The exact documents required may vary depending on the specific nature of your business.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

Remember to consult with a legal expert or a business consultant if you’re unsure about any step in the process. Regulations can change, so it’s important to ensure you’re always following the most up-to-date procedures in order to fully comply with Bulgarian business laws.


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