Real Estate Ownership Transfer in Bulgaria: Complete Guide

Table of Contents


What is it?

Changing the ownership of real estate refers to the formal and legal process of transferring the rights of a property from one person or entity to another. It involves a number of legal requirements, documentation, and procedures.

Who needs it?

This service is needed by individuals or entities planning to buy or sell a property in Bulgaria. It can be residential, commercial or land.


  1. Identify the property that you want to buy or sell.
  2. Negotiate terms and conditions with the other party.
  3. Prepare and sign a preliminary contract.
  4. Conduct a due diligence process; verify the property’s documentation and inspect its physical condition.
  5. The notary prepares a notarial deed, which serves as the final contract.
  6. The final contract is then signed by both the seller and the buyer in the presence of a notary. The notary certifies the signatures and content.
  7. The deed is then filed with the local Registry Agency for registration and announcement in their databases.

Required Documents

The main documents required include:

  1. A valid ID (for EU citizens) or passport (for non-EU citizens),
  2. The property’s Title Deed,
  3. Sketch of the property issued by the cadaster agency,
  4. Tax evaluation document issued by local tax office,
  5. Certificate of marital status,
  6. Preliminary contract,
  7. Final notarial deed.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

It is essential to seek legal advice before going through this process, as it involves crucial legal and financial commitments. The costs will vary depending on the value of the property, the complexity of the transaction, and the fee of the notary and other involved professionals. Please also note that only licensed real estate agents might legally offer real estate brokerage services. Non-compliance with this requirement might lead to significant fines.


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