How to File Complaints in Bulgaria: Noise, Fines, Scams & More

Table of Contents


What is it?

The service entails the process of filing a complaint in Bulgaria regarding issues such as noise disturbance, public transportation fines, problems with landlords or scams.

Who needs it?

This procedure would be of benefit to anybody living or visiting Bulgaria who may experience abuse, scams, or any infringement on their rights that requires the intervention of the authorities.


  1. Identify the nature of the complaint and the respective authority that you should contact.
  2. You can file a complaint in person, by mail, or electronically. You are required, however, to provide your identity to the authority in all cases.

Required Documents

  • Personal Identification Number
  • Evidence supporting your claim (such as documents, voice recordings, etc.)
  • Detailed account of the incident (including date, time and details of the event)

(Note: All documents should be in Bulgarian)

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • For noise complaints, you can approach an environmental health officer in your local area or you can also write to your local council. Be sure to provide all necessary details to aid in a successful outcome.
  • For complaints about public transportation fines, you can contact the Sofia Urban Mobility Center.
  • If you’ve been scammed through an online marketplace like, make sure to alert the platform’s customer service and they can support you while also taking steps to prevent similar incidents.
  • Always work with authorities through official channels to prevent any further complications.


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