Essential Guide to Obtaining a Passport in Bulgaria

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What is it?

A passport is an essential travel document that is used to verify one’s identity and nationality. It is required when needing to travel abroad.

Who needs it?

Anyone who plans on traveling internationally will need a passport. It is especially crucial for citizens residing in Bulgaria intending to travel outside the country.


  1. To initiate the process, complete the application form for obtaining a passport. The form can typically be found and filled out at your local passport office.
  2. Next, prepare the needed documents listed below. Ensure that all documents are original and up-to-date.
  3. After this, schedule an appointment at your local passport office or the Ministry of Interior. The appointment can usually be booked online through the Ministry’s website.
  4. Attend the scheduled appointment. Bring the completed application form and all required documents.
  5. During the appointment, a fee will be requested. Payment can typically be done in either cash or card.
  6. Following the submission of the application, wait for notification about passport readiness. The waiting period may vary, but generally, it could take a few weeks.
  7. Once notified that your passport is ready, you can collect it at the specified location.

Required Documents

The list of required documents includes:

  • Proof of Bulgarian citizenship or residency
  • Birth certificate
  • Photographic identification such as ID card

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • If you are renewing your passport, you will also need to provide your current existing passport.
  • For minors applying for a passport, the process may require supplemental information or documentation such as parental consent. It’s best to consult with your local passport office or the Ministry of Interior for full details.
  • Always make sure to apply for your passport well in advance of any planned international travel to accommodate any delays in the passport issuance process.


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