Guide to Payment Declaration for Local Taxes and Fees

Table of Contents


What is it?

Payment declaration for local taxes and fees is a process that involves reporting your income and expenses, including those earned from e-commerce platforms, digital services and freelancer platforms, to your local tax authority. This process helps the local government determine your tax liability.

Who needs it?

Anyone who generates income or earns fees, especially those who are involved in e-commerce, digital services, independent contracting, or other forms of self-employment need to comply with local tax legislation and declare their income and expenses.


  1. Determine your income sources, This can include e-commerce such as Amazon Vine or selling products on Aliexpress, or income from digital services, like freelancer platforms.

  2. Keep track of expenses that are tax-deductible.

  3. Collect the necessary documents that would aid in your tax declaration. This could include invoices, receipts, and any other forms of proof for your income and expenses.

  4. Declare your taxes to your local tax authority by filling in the required forms and submit them within the stipulated timeline.

  5. Pay the obligatory taxes according to your income generated in the respective tax time frame.

Required Documents

  1. Documentation for income sources such as payment receipts, invoices, or contracts.
  2. Proof of expenses such as receipts or invoices.
  3. Personal Identification Number for tax-related activities.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

Depending on your location, certain taxes, like VAT in the EU, require separate procedures for declaration and payment. Make sure to research thoroughly on the specific tax requirements in your locality. Note that non-compliance of such laws can result in penalties or fines. Also, tax laws can change annually so it is crucial to stay updated on any changes in tax legislation in your country.


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