Recognition of Foreign Diplomas in Bulgaria: Process & Requirements

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What is it?

The recognition of a foreign diploma refers to the process through which academic credentials obtained outside of Bulgaria are recognized within the country. This is essential for employment, further studies, or partaking in professional practice.

Who needs it?

This service is commonly needed by foreign students, job seekers, and professionals intending to study, work, or practice their profession in Bulgaria. It is also required from Bulgarian citizens who have studied abroad and want to continue their education or start working in Bulgaria.


  1. Obtain an original or duly certified copy of your diploma or degree.
  2. Prepare supporting documents such as academic transcripts, personal identification documents, and proof of payment for the recognition procedure.
  3. Submit all the documents to the Centre for Information and Recognition of Documents in Higher Education (CIRDE). The documents can be submitted either directly, by post, or through consular relations.
  4. CIRDE will review your application and make a decision on the recognition of your foreign qualifications.

Required Documents

  • Original or duly certified copy of your diploma or degree.
  • A certified copy of your academic transcript.
  • An application form.
  • Personal identification document (passport, ID card).
  • Proof of payment for the procedure.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

The recognition process can take time and involve administrative challenges. Be ready to follow up and provide additional documentation if needed. Understanding the Bulgarian language or having a reliable translator can be very helpful. It’s always a good idea to start the process well in advance of any deadlines related to employment, enrollment in education, or professional requirements.


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