Guide: Registering Your New Surname Post-Marriage Abroad

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What is it?

The process of changing one’s surname after getting married is common practice in many countries. This guide will explain the specific process relevant for individuals who have married in foreign countries and now need to register their new surname in their home country.

Who needs it?

This service is typically needed by individuals who want to change their surname after marriage, specifically individuals who got married overseas and now need to register the change in their home country.


  1. Acquire the necessary legal documents proving your marriage, such as your foreign marriage certificate.
  2. Get an official translation of the foreign marriage certificate if it’s not in your home country’s official language.
  3. Submit the translated marriage certificate along with a name change application to the appropriate government department in your home country.
  4. Wait for the processing period. The length of this period can vary widely depending on the country and the specific circumstances of your marriage.
  5. Once the name change has been approved, start updating your name on all your legal documents, starting with your passport and identification card.

Required Documents

  • Foreign marriage certificate
  • Translations of the marriage certificate
  • Name change application form

Apply for document translations here Get your name change application form here

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

Each country has its own laws and procedures regarding name changes after marriage, so be sure to research the specifics for your own situation. In some cultures, it is customary for the husband to take the wife’s surname. Remember, changing your surname is a personal decision, and you’re not required to do so just because you’re married. Be sure to consider carefully and make the decision that’s best for you.


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