Comprehensive Guide to Adopting a Child in Chile: Steps & Tips

Table of Contents


What is it?

This service provides a detailed guide for individuals and families looking to navigate the adoption process in Chile. It breaks down the steps involved, offers insights into the required documentation, and helps address common questions and concerns to ensure a smooth and successful adoption journey.

Who needs it?

This service is ideal for prospective adoptive parents who are considering adopting a child from Chile, including both local residents and international families. It is also suitable for individuals seeking to understand more about the legal and procedural requirements involved in the adoption process in Chile.


  1. Research and understand the adoption laws in Chile.
  2. Contact a licensed adoption agency in Chile or your home country.
  3. Complete an adoption application form.
  4. Submit the required documents to the adoption agency.
  5. Undergo a home study evaluation conducted by a social worker.
  6. Attend counseling and adoption preparedness programs.
  7. Wait for a match with a child in need of adoption.
  8. Complete the legal adoption process in Chilean courts.
  9. Register the adoption and obtain the child’s new birth certificate.
  10. Finalize the adoption process in your home country if applicable.

Required documents

  • Birth certificates: Obtain from the civil registry of your home country.
  • Marriage certificate (if applicable): Obtain from the civil registry of your home country.
  • Health certificates: Obtain from your primary care physician.
  • Police clearance certificate: Obtain from local law enforcement agencies.
  • Proof of income: Provide recent tax returns or employment verification.
  • Home study report: Conducted by a licensed social worker.
  • Psychological evaluation: Performed by a licensed psychologist.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • Potential wait times for adoption matches can vary greatly.
  • Legal representation may be required during court proceedings.
  • Counseling services are often recommended post-adoption to assist the family and child in adjusting.
  • International adoptive parents must comply with additional immigration procedures to bring the child to their home country.
  • It’s crucial to stay informed about any changes in adoption laws and regulations in Chile.


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