Effortless Circulation Permit Application in Chile

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What is it?

A Circulation Permit in Chile is a mandatory document for all vehicles using public roads. The permit confirms that your vehicle complies with all regulatory standards and has paid the necessary taxes. It must be renewed annually and is essential for legal vehicle operation.

Who needs it?

The ideal customer for this service is any vehicle owner in Chile, whether it be personal, commercial, or foreign registered while traveling in the country. Expats, tourists planning to drive, and residents who need to renew their permit annually will find this guide invaluable.


  1. Gather all required documents including ID, proof of address, and vehicle paperwork.
  2. Visit your local municipal office or their online platform.
  3. Complete the Circulation Permit application form.
  4. Submit the required documents alongside the application form.
  5. Pay the corresponding fees via cash, card, or online transaction.
  6. Receive your Circulation Permit, which should be displayed in your vehicle.

Required documents

  • Valid identification card or passport.
  • Proof of residence (utility bill or rental agreement).
  • Vehicle registration document.
  • Proof of vehicle’s last technical inspection (Revisión Técnica).
  • Proof of insurance (Seguro Obligatorio).
  • Payment receipt for the Circulation Permit fee.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • Ensure all your documents are up-to-date to avoid delays.
  • If you are a foreign tourist, check the validity of your documents under local laws.
  • Utilize online municipal services where possible to expedite the process.
  • Check for municipal holidays to avoid closed offices.
  • Late renewals may incur fines or penalties, so apply ahead of the expiration date.


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