Commerce Registry Registration in Chile Guide for Businesses

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What is it?

The Commerce Registry Registration in Chile is a mandatory process for all businesses to legally operate within the country. It involves the submission of various documents to a governmental body which then reviews and approves the registration. Once approved, businesses receive a unique identification number that allows them to conduct all legal and commercial activities in Chile.

Who needs it?

This service is essential for entrepreneurs, startups, and well-established businesses looking to operate legally in Chile. It’s also ideal for foreign companies aiming to expand their business presence in the Chilean market. This comprehensive registration service ensures all legal requirements are met, providing peace of mind and smooth operations.


  1. Gather all required documents for registration.
  2. Submit the documents to the Commerce Registry office or online.
  3. Pay the necessary registration fees.
  4. Await the verification and approval process by the authorities.
  5. Receive your business registration number and official documentation.

Required documents

  • Identity documents of business owners: Obtain these from your national identification office.
  • Proof of business address: Utility bills or lease agreements work best.
  • Corporate bylaws and articles of incorporation: These need to be officially drafted and notarized.
  • Tax identification number: Register for this through the Chilean Internal Revenue Service (SII).

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • Processing time: Registration can take several days to a few weeks.
  • Language requirements: Documentation must be submitted in Spanish or accompanied by an official translation.
  • Contact information: Ensure all contact information provided is current and accurate to prevent delays.


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