Streamlined Registration for Chilean Educational Institutions

Table of Contents


What is it?

The Chilean Educational System Registration service is a streamlined procedure to get students enrolled in educational institutions across Chile. Our service guides you through all essential steps, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free registration experience.

Who needs it?

Parents and guardians of school-age children, international students seeking education in Chile, and individuals looking to understand the registration process for educational institutions in Chile will benefit most from this service. This service is crucial for anyone navigating the complexities of the Chilean education system for the first time.


  1. Research and select the desired educational institution.
  2. Gather all necessary documents (listed below).
  3. Visit the registration office of the selected institution or access their online portal.
  4. Fill out the registration form with accurate details.
  5. Submit the form along with required documents.
  6. Wait for confirmation and additional instructions from the institution.
  7. Attend any required admission interviews or entrance exams.

Required documents

    • Birth certificate: Obtainable from the Civil Registry.
    • Previous academic records: Required from previous educational institutions.
    • Proof of residence: Utility bill or similar document.
    • Identification documents: National ID or passport for international students.
    • Vaccination records: Obtainable from your healthcare provider.
    • Recent photographs: Passport-sized photographs for registration purposes.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

    • Certain institutions may require additional assessments or interviews for the admission process.
    • Foreign students must ensure their documents are translated and validated, if necessary.
    • Applying early in the registration period increases chances of securing a spot in desired institutions.
    • Stay updated with institutional announcements for any changes in the registration process.


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