Electoral Registry Registration in Chile - Easy Guide

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What is it?

The Electoral Registry Registration in Chile is a process where citizens ensure they are listed in the official electoral roll. This registration allows individuals to participate in national and local elections, ensuring their right to vote is upheld.

Who needs it?

Ideal for Chilean citizens over 18, including those residing abroad who wish to participate in their home country’s elections. This service is essential for first-time voters, those who’ve changed their address, and expatriates needing to update their electoral status.


  1. Visit the official electoral service website or local office.
  2. Complete the required registration form with accurate personal details.
  3. Submit the form along with necessary documents for verification.
  4. Wait for confirmation and any further instructions from the electoral service.
  5. Check your registration status online to ensure it’s correctly updated.

Required documents

  • Valid Chilean ID (Cédula de Identidad)
  • Proof of residence if applicable (Utility bill, rental contract)
  • To obtain a Chilean ID, visit your nearest civil registry office with necessary identification documents such as a birth certificate.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • Registration is compulsory for all eligible citizens.
  • Expats need to prove their residence status in Chile or their expatriate status.
  • Keep personal information updated to avoid any issues during the voting process.


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