Vehicle Registration in Chile: Complete Guide for New Owners

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What is it?

Vehicle registration in Chile is a mandatory process for all motor vehicles to be legally allowed on the road. This service ensures that your vehicle is properly documented with the authorities, providing legal proof of ownership and compliance with Chilean road regulations.

Who needs it?

This service is ideal for new vehicle owners in Chile, foreigners purchasing a vehicle while in the country, and individuals transferring vehicle ownership. Anyone looking to legally drive in Chile must complete this registration process.


  1. Obtain the original purchase invoice from the car dealership or private seller.
  2. Visit a local notary office to draft and sign the transfer of ownership document.
  3. Collect the necessary documents including the original invoice, transfer document, and previous registration papers.
  4. Submit all documents to the Registro Civil office.
  5. Pay the required fees for registration and obtain a new vehicle registration certificate.

Required documents

  • Original purchase invoice: Provided by the seller.
  • Transfer of ownership document: Drafted and signed at a notary public.
  • Previous registration papers: Available from the previous owner.
  • Personal identification: Passport or Chilean ID (RUT card).

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • Make sure all documents are in order to avoid delays.
  • Foreigners may need a temporary RUT number if they don’t already have a Chilean ID.
  • Keep track of all receipt and registration papers throughout the process.


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