How to Obtain a Residence Certificate in Colombia: A Guide

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What is it?

A Residence Certificate in Colombia is an official document that verifies your residence status in the country. This certificate is often necessary for tax purposes, legal documentation, and various other administrative processes.

Who needs it?

Expats living in Colombia, international businesses, individuals applying for visas, and anyone needing official proof of residence for tax or legal purposes will need this certificate.


  1. Gather all required documents (see list below).
  2. Fill out the appropriate application form, which can be obtained from the local municipal office or downloaded online.
  3. Submit the completed application form and documents to the local municipal office or relevant administrative body.
  4. Pay the application fee, if applicable. Keep the receipt for your records.
  5. Wait for the processing period, which can vary depending on the region and current demand.
  6. Receive your Residence Certificate either by mail or pick up at the office, as specified.

Required documents

  • Copy of your passport and visa.
  • Proof of residence (utility bills, rental contract).
  • Copy of your identification document (Cedula de Extranjeria).
  • Completed application form.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • Processing times can vary; check with your local municipal office for specifics.
  • Some regions may require additional documentation or steps.
  • It is advisable to make copies of all submitted documents for your records.


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