Colombian Residence Visa: Comprehensive Support for Applicants

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What is it?

The Residence Visa service is a comprehensive support offering designed to help individuals and families move to Colombia. This service covers all aspects from documentation to submission, providing expert advice and step-by-step guidance throughout the process to ensure a successful visa application.

Who needs it?

This service is ideal for Venezuelan nationals seeking to legalize their stay in Colombia, digital nomads planning to relocate as freelancers, individuals with temporary resident status in other countries looking for new opportunities in Colombia, and anyone who aims to navigate the Colombian residence visa process efficiently.


  1. Determine your eligibility based on your nationality, profession, and current visa status.
  2. Gather all the required documentation mentioned below.
  3. Complete the online application form on the official Colombian migration website.
  4. Pay the application fee through the designated payment methods.
  5. Submit your completed application along with the required documents.
  6. Await confirmation and any additional requests for information from the Colombian authorities.
  7. Schedule and attend any necessary interviews or biometric data submissions.
  8. Receive your residence visa approval and plan your move to Colombia.

Required documents

  • Valid Passport: Ensure your passport is valid for at least six months.
  • Fill out the Visa Application Form: Available on the official website of Colombian migration services.
  • Proof of Income or Employment: Bank statements, employment contracts, or proof of freelance employment.
  • Health Insurance: Comprehensive health insurance valid in Colombia.
  • Police Clearance Certificates: Obtain these from your home country and any other countries you have lived in for more than six months.
  • Passport-sized Photos: Recent photos meeting the Colombian visa requirements.
  • Additional Documentations: Depending on the visa type, you may require additional documents like a marriage certificate, birth certificates (for dependents), and academic qualifications.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • Processing Times: Vary based on the volume of applications and other factors affecting the queue.
  • Visa Costs: Fees may vary, ensure to check the updated fees at the Colombian migration website.
  • Application Status: Regularly check the status of your application online to stay informed of any additional requirements or notifications.
  • Language Requirements: Some documents may need to be translated into Spanish and notarized.


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