Trademark Registration in Colombia: Protect Your Brand Identity

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What is it?

Trademark registration in Colombia is a legal process that protects your brand’s identity. By registering your trademark, you obtain exclusive rights to use a certain sign, logo, or name for your products or services within the country. This prevents others from using similar identifiers and helps establish your brand’s legal protection and market presence.

Who needs it?

Entrepreneurs, business owners, and individuals with unique products or services who want to protect their brand identity in Colombia. This service is ideal for those looking to legally secure their business assets and avoid legal conflicts involving trademark disputes. It is especially beneficial for companies planning to expand their market and establish a strong brand presence in Colombia.


  1. Conduct a preliminary trademark search to ensure availability.
  2. Prepare and file the trademark application with the Colombian Trademark Office (Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio, SIC).
  3. Pay the necessary filing fees.
  4. Wait for the examination and review by SIC, which may take several months.
  5. Respond to any potential objections or oppositions raised during the examination period.
  6. Receive the registration certificate if your application is approved.

Required documents

  • Trademark application form: Available from the Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio (SIC) website.
  • Proof of payment of the filing fee: Can be obtained from the relevant bank or payment portal.
  • Clear representation of the trademark: Digital images or illustrations of the trademark for submission.
  • Description of goods/services: Outline the products or services the trademark will represent.
  • Power of Attorney (if applying through a representative): A legally binding document authorizing the representative’s actions.

Providers that can do it for you

(We are currently curating the best providers. If you are or know a provider, please contact us or edit the page directly)


Additional details

  • The registration process can take 6 to 12 months depending on the workload of the SIC.
  • Trademark registration is valid for 10 years and can be renewed indefinitely.
  • Conducting a thorough trademark search before filing will help avoid conflicts and oppositions.
  • Filing fees vary depending on the number of classes the trademark will cover.


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